About the Westwood Debate and Speech Boosters
Westwood Debate and Speech Boosters
The Westwood Debate and Speech Program has developed a national reputation in recent years due to the interest, dedication, and success of our students. Accordingly, the number of students who participate in the program and attend tournaments continues to rise. While the program receives some funding from the school and the district, these funds cover only a small portion of what is needed to sustain such a large team.
The Westwood Debate and Speech Booster Club provide support for both the teachers and students involved in the Debate and Speech Program at Westwood. Through fundraising, we provide the financial support to consistently send a large group of students to numerous tournaments that are local, statewide, and national. We provide training and arrange for parents to judge at tournaments, which greatly helps in defraying the costs to the team for entering each tournament. Our logistical team makes all of the travel arrangements necessary for out-of-town tournaments (hotel, car rental, etc), and communicates all of the details involved for each tournament to the parents.
With the student-teacher ratio at Westwood Debate continuing to increase dramatically, the Booster Club has stepped up to help our Coaches and students by requesting and funding an Assistant Coach for each speech and debate event. The Assistant Coaches conduct weekly practices and judge and coach at local and out-of-town tournaments.
Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in many ways including volunteer judging at tournaments, driving to out-of-town tournaments, serving as Booster Officers or Board Members, or Chairing UIL Committees for our largest fundraiser in the spring. With the Booster Club, the Debate Coaches are better able to devote their time and energy to coaching and preparing our students. The work of the Booster Club and all of our dedicated parents is what enables the great success of our Debate and Speech Team.
Westwood Debate and Speech Boosters is a non-profit organization, a 501(c)(3) entity, which means that donations are tax-deductible. Please click on the Donations link in the sidebar to read more about donating and how you can help.